Originally Posted by JPaco54
Are there any less complicated ways to handle this and being fair to both teams?
Yeah, by using the phrase "no new inning," which you didn't mention, so I'll assume that's not in effect in the games you're discussing.
Around here, all the rec leagues, including AAU, are timed, and so are the adult games. Maybe another of our guys will correct me if I'm wrong - I know they're out there - but to my recollection, nearly all of them say "no new inning after X:XX" Some also include a drop-dead time, and some completely bollock-up the wording with other clauses that introduce confusion, but it's mostly the no new inning thing.
Me, if the HT is winning when we hit that time-limit, then we're done. I've known others to say you should still play that out, but to me, it's the same as the winning run being scored in bottom-7, or bottom-9 - the VT can't come back to win, since they can't start the next inning, so we're done.
My main b--ch about time limit games is the complete lack of reality by the leagues. If they have 2, 3, whatever, 2:00 games they want played, can you guess how they schedule them? Right - at 10:00, 12:00, 14:00, etc. (Remember, it's "no new inning after 2:00") It'd be one thing if they were new umpire crews every game, so he could "change lines" like hockey, but you just get behind. Which puts pressure on the umpires to get the next game rolling, but we're trying to get back to the cars to change. Oy.....