Originally Posted by jwwashburn
Aimpink...I am curious...Why didn't you read the look back rule in the ASA Rules Book?
Joe In Missouri
Aimpink... I was going to ask the same thing, but didn't. This weekend I worked with a 2nd year umpire. He told me that he just couldn't get all the rules down. I told him what was told to me so many years ago.
You need to understand the logic behind the rule in order to learn the rule, and the best way to do this is the read the rule, then immediately read the RS, the immediately read the cases in the casebook that pertain to the rule.
Start at the beginning and go to the end in this manner. Then repeat, and repeat... Then set goals. My goal last year was to be able to say, "this situation falls under
the batter is out, or
Obstruction. My current goal is to have the rules known by Rule number, section, sub-section, effect.
Remember... mechanics make us look sharp and puts us in the right place to make the right call, but knowledge of the rules makes us creditable.