Thread: Call at First
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Old Tue May 05, 2009, 01:17pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
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Originally Posted by Badamk View Post
Many of you continue to call me names... shows your maturity. If you really have a problem go back and read all of my posts in this thread. I admitted I that I wasn't clear and was looking for clarity, I came on here asking a question. Your beloved Steve might be the smartest, greatest ump on the planet. Truth is he called me a "boy"
As I reread the post, IMJ, he did no such thing. Lie #1

and said I needed to reconsider being on the field.
He did not such thing. Lie #2

I called him an "old man" as a response.
That is true.

Keep calling me a troll, idiot, rat or whatever and I hope it helps you feel better about yourself. Glad to help.
I don't need to call anyone anything and I really don't give a damn if you think you know better, you don't.

As suggested above, I went back and read the thread. No one attacked you until you went smart-***. In fact, you got more than enough answers to your question, but you didn't want to let it go. You received your clarification, yet continued to post arguments on the subject. As demonstrated above, you actually went looking for trouble by selecting two instances where a generic figure of speech was used and adopted that as a personal attack, on your own accord, not by someone's direction.

You may have been referred to as a troll because you acted the part, not because someone here thought it was a manly thing to do.
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