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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 05, 2009, 10:06am
Ref Ump Welsch
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA View Post
Nope, this is bad advice. You shouldn't be telling the teams to do anything. Again, just setting yourself up.

What happens when the next runner "gets out of the way" by moving inside and the SS moves the same way for fear of an ejection and, BAM, the SS just did what you warned him not to do because of your suggestion to the other team.

Umpire the game and leave the coaching to the coaches.
Using your advice, I guess I might as well as go against what my UIC encourages, because that's what he did in a game before that. I'm not willing to eject players over comments like that in a league like that, because the UIC doesn't have a backbone when the teams think I'm unfairly ejecting them over stuff that umpires in USSSA tournaments don't even blink an eye at. You have to consider the level of play sometimes, and the politics sometimes if you want to survive in some of these leagues.

By the way, there are no "coaches" on these men's slow-pitch teams, just managers who go up for the pre-game flip. So if I were to leave the coaching to the coaches, who do I go to? The captains who were at the pre-game meeting who are going to tell me to f**k off and when I eject them, walk up to my partner who's the UIC and get me removed from the field for doing that? That's something to be considered at this type of level.

Last edited by Ref Ump Welsch; Tue May 05, 2009 at 10:10am.
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