Tue May 05, 2009, 07:45am
Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
Hope you have counsel on a retainer, 'cause it isn't worth my house and family.
That is where warn or throw the SS for USC and make sure all participants know that I am more than willing to offer testimony to the statement showing predetermination and maybe even suggesting a nasty, er....I mean good lawyer to the injured player's family.
I meant that rhetorically, but there are situations where a slide would be the better protection for the runner, i.e. the play I described in my earlier posting.
This was uttered in a USSSA men's slow-pitch travel team league. I told the SS (who is a fellow umpire by the way) I'm ignoring that, but if it did happen he wouldn't be finishing the night on the field. I also went to the other team and suggested getting down or out of the way somehow to allow the throw to 1B for the double play, or I would be calling interference. I had to be careful with my choice of words both ways because I was working with my local Assistant UIC, and he's known to kowtow to the teams' whims in this league.