Originally Posted by MGKBLUE
I agree that the wording should not be included, however, the interpretaion from the ASA State UIC is to take the Rule Supplement wording as stated.
This was a big discussion in my area last year and clearly the obstruction rule is interpretated differently between ASA and High School. The High School clarification there is no obstruction until the runner is hindered or impeded, wereas ASA it would be obstruction if the fielder is blocking the base without the ball, irrespective of whether the runner has been hindered or impeded.
Given that California has 8 separate ASA associations, and none are California (State), I wonder how anyone gets the title of State UIC?? Or do you mean the person that UIC'd one of the State Tournaments?
Regardless, by the very definition, a Rule "Supplement" can only add to a rule, not fundamentally change a definition. The name was changed from POE because some said if it wasn't called a "rule", it had no authority (I wonder why there is no such issue with NFHS POE's??). In any event, taking that, or any other, one sentence out of context is just plain wrong.
Using that logic, "Now all defensive players must catch the ball, block the base and then make the tag" must also be taken at full face value, so if a tag is made without blocking the base, we have ........... what????? After all, it says "must", right? Or, do we simply know better?