Thread: Call at First
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Old Sun May 03, 2009, 10:08am
scottk_61 scottk_61 is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 573
I know a lot of the people on this board and have been around plenty long enough to know the difference between real umpires, arrogant umpires, concerned coaches and a$$hole coaches.
I have seen many trolls and many arrogant parents, players and umpire wannabe's.
This guy rates as a troll, a coach with an axe to grind trying to prove his "superior knowledge" or a player who wants to get even for a percieved slight in a call.
Either way, argueing with him is like trying to wrestle with a pig.
You both get dirty but he likes it.

Walk away
If he proves to be someone who isn't full of himself, he will decide to listen and ask legitimate questions.
With that comes legitimate responses on his part.

At best this is some clown that is a wannabe and hasn't figured out that rule myths he carries around in his head aren't real.

In other words guys, turn around and call your game. Ignore the idiot on the other side of the fence.
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