Thread: Call at First
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Old Fri May 01, 2009, 11:59pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
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Originally Posted by Badamk View Post
You know because of comments like this and umps like you, i'm done asking questions on this board. Don't forget you are out there to help KIDS compete and enjoy a GAME. That's it. You aren't there to show off how much you think you know or flex your self-appointed power.
No, that would be wrong. The umpire is NOT there to help the kids, that is the coaches' job. Umpires are there for one reason, the GAME, period. The umpire is there to ensure the participants enjoy a level playing field and that all the rules under which the participants agree to play are enforced equally and fairly. BTW, softball isn't just a kids game.

So 'old man' take a deep breath and remember to use all those hours buried in a rule book for something good. New umpires come on here to understand the rules better and get some help. Maybe you can turn off the ego and actually help people.
Talk about making something clear! You have made it quite clear that you do not know the rules and have little interest to do so. You have made it clear that you treat anyone who disagrees with your "belief" is wrong, an egomaniac and old. IOW, in this thread alone you have demonstrated you are clueless and choose to badmouth actual interpretations, not opinions, given by those who have umpired at the highest levels, been trained at the highest levels by those who ARE at the highest levels of the game.

You don't want to post any questions? Fine, but stick around and you may just learn something.

Last edited by IRISHMAFIA; Sat May 02, 2009 at 09:30pm.
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