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Old Fri May 01, 2009, 09:31pm
billgates51 billgates51 is offline
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Posts: 2
Thanks to all for the responses. My goal in posing the questions was to get an unbiased point of view on whether my Son's blocking was "unsportsmanlike." I received a comment that my Son (#51) needed to receive better coaching in sportsmanship because he blocked players that were already on the ground. While no flags were thrown on any of the plays, I agree that the officials involved are probably not ready for the NFL just yet.

My Son has been coached to be aggressive, and play to the whistle. I have told him (perhaps wrongly) it is legal and advisable to continue to block players that have been knocked to the ground to prevent them from getting back into the play. While the highlights were put together to make him look “beastly”, he is a good kid and is not looking to injure anyone. Interestingly, I have received several comments from other coaches who really liked this type of aggressive play, and asked how it was developed. His coaches are very pleased with his level of play and aggressiveness.

That said, I understand the need to cut out unnecessary stuff that could lead to flags or escalate. i.e. while it's hard to see because of the angle, 31 actually kicks 51 in the “berries” after being knocked down at :56. While both were seen by the white hat, nothing was said about the hit or kick.

As someone surmised, I created the highlight videos on youtube so geographically dispersed friends and relatives could see them, not for any other reason. That said, my 529 has really taken a beating so if anyone knows of any college coaches that would be interested in extending a scholarship offer to a 9 year old who is willing to work hard.... ;-)

Once again thanks for the comments. You have a cool forum here.

Last edited by billgates51; Fri May 01, 2009 at 10:01pm.
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