Originally Posted by wadeintothem
So a BR sliding past first, walking past first, taking one step beyond first, jogging past first would be eligible to be put out as they are not running past first?
Definitely not. I'm pretty sure that the rule doesn't apply that way. I'm only arguing that in the very strange case where the runner isn't going past first that just because she comes off the overrun rule doesn't apply.
Suppose an idiot BR decides to do a giant two footed jump stop onto 1st base to show up the opponents because she just drove in the go ahead run. And suppose that in doing that jump stop she loses here balance and falls backwards toward home. The fielder relays to the first baseman who tags her lying between 1st and home. Are you really saying, safe because she overran first since she's off the base and not making an attempt to second?
Originally Posted by wadeintothem
Actually Steve.. I'm not so sure that all are protecting this runner no matter what way she fell... which is unfortunate.
Some based on the theory falling over first is not over running it
I thought I was the only one arguing that and I'm definitely protecting her no matter how she falls.