Originally Posted by Badamk
You know because of comments like this and umps like you, i'm done asking questions on this board. Don't forget you are out there to help KIDS compete and enjoy a GAME. That's it. You aren't there to show off how much you think you know or flex your self-appointed power.
So 'old man' take a deep breath and remember to use all those hours buried in a rule book for something good. New umpires come on here to understand the rules better and get some help. Maybe you can turn off the ego and actually help people.
Maybe YOU can quit thinking you already know everything and shut up and LISTEN AND READ AND LEARN AND GROW. Maybe you will some day go beyond just memorizing the rule book and read the umpire's manual, the case book, and learn there is also such a thing as rulebook right, ballpark wrong (among other things that can be learned if you'd just get off your hucking figh horse).
Otherwise, do NOT let the door bruise your @$$ on the way out. And stay the hell away from any field I am on.