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Old Thu Apr 30, 2009, 04:24pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
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Originally Posted by GA Umpire View Post
To me, this is appearing to be unapproachable. Thus, when they come out on a legitimate reason, they may not come out in a calm manner. They already have the impression that you will not be reasonable or will be a smart a$$ so why should they. This kind of attitude causes animosity towards you and all other umpires which follow. Now, none of us can have a good game b/c we have to wonder what the "jerk" umpire (as they will be referred to by the coach when he wants to tell us about him) has done to affect my game. And, if you think it doesn't affect the games to follow, you are sadly mistaken.
I have learned that they are going to think you are a jerk no matter what you do or say. I have had coaches come out and ask very legitimate questions and get upset when I actually answered their questions or told them what I saw. In my opinion you cannot win and I personally do not try to. I stopped doing that over 10 years ago (especially in baseball). And no, all times are not appropriate to come out and discuss plays and situations in my opinion. I am not going to discuss plays I did not get involved in or past situations. Why would I want to discuss a play that happened several outs ago? Do you think it is appropriate if we are in the 5th inning and a coach wants to come out and discuss a play from the 3rd inning? After all he is asking a question right? He was professional right?

Or what if they bring up a previous call to make a point about another call? That is appropriate for you to discuss? I will tell you that is not appropriate to me in any sport I officiating ever. It might not warrant action being taken like an ejection, but they will know about it if they are coming to me with that stuff.

Originally Posted by GA Umpire View Post
Again, I have no problem with them coming between innings. They are not holding up the game and are not making a scene. No one knows why they are out there. So, why do something which may trigger a scene? Simply answer the question and move on. No other remarks are warranted.
Didn't cause a scene? Really? Why did the first base coach after he left ask me, "What was that all about?" He obviously raised the eyebrows of someone. And when I told him we wanted to know about the first out of the inning, he did not say a word.

BTW, the coach approached my partner and got a similar response to suggest he should not have done such a thing or at the very least it looked bad. His question was also a stupid one. He asked me "Did he tag him?" What other reason would I have called him out? For my health? For the point spread? Of course he was out, that is why we are there to make calls.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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