Originally Posted by vcblue
However, if it was my judgment that she was rounding first to go to second I would not protect her to second due to the earlier obstruction. I would rule her out and get ready to explain to the OC that the obstruction happened before first, and she was protected to first. And, in my judgment she would not have reached second therefore she is out.
In the above post she cannot be out. If the obstruction happens prior to BR reaching first, the play is dead and obstruction awards are made. Subsequent out cannot take place.
What are you talking about??? (in bold) The OBS happened before first base and she is protected to first. Now if my "what-if" scenario she decides to continue on to second and is tag out, and in my judgment she would not have made second, she's out.
You don't protect a runner to the next base because she made a bad running decision. You protect her to the next base because you thought she would have made it had there been no OBS.