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Old Thu Apr 30, 2009, 03:44pm
Mike L Mike L is offline
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Originally Posted by Fedex View Post
Jeez-o guys...breathe for a second.

I understand and know that youth football is a different level than high school. I do know that some mechanics are adjusted to the level. I get it. I also know that some youth officials do not work high school and are just starting out. I'm also going to take back any comments on laziness, since it's probably not the case.

So...let me rephrase my question. When is it appropriate to pinch to an extreme (like at 5:42 and 7:08 of the video)? What good does it do to be that close to the action? Does anybody teach it like that for 8 year old football?

I appreciate the feedback given by you's priceless knowledge (No sarcasm here).

I think if you read Bob M's post above you'll get your answers to the first two questions. There are a few specific plays where pre-pinching may be ok, but not to that extent. As for the last question....either the guys in the vid are doing it the way they were taught and/or required to do it or they came up with that on their own. No way for us to know. I do know around my area, I'd be strongly advising them to get back. I'd also have a lot of other recommendations for them, but we'll stick to the pinch question here.
Indecision may or may not be my problem
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