Thread: Call at First
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Old Thu Apr 30, 2009, 09:30am
vcblue vcblue is offline
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Originally Posted by youngump View Post
Overrun means to run beyond or past. They don't have to stay on their feet but to be entitled to the overrunning exception they do have to run past the base. Once they do that I agree with you that they can do whatever they want as long as it isn't an attempt.

If they ran to 1st and stepped on it and fell forward, I'd go with what you're saying as well, though as written a runner tripping over 1st base is liable to be put out.
Negative… unless you truly believed the runner was rounding the base to go for second when she tripped (which could be the case at lower levels. Many times have a heard the first base coach yell, go… go… go… after the ball gets away from the fielder at first base), otherwise you just have a BR that trip while overrunning first base and is allowed to return without liability of being put out.

However, if it was my judgment that she was rounding first to go to second I would not protect her to second due to the earlier obstruction. I would rule her out and get ready to explain to the OC that the obstruction happened before first, and she was protected to first. And, in my judgment she would not have reached second therefore she is out.

This is a HTBT situation, but umpires cannot protect a base runner for making a bad choice.
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