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Old Wed Apr 29, 2009, 09:42am
CajunNewBlue CajunNewBlue is offline
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Originally Posted by tcblue13 View Post
Yes, the OP was a half hearted joke. I am aware of the proper mechanic for showing the count. I am also aware that I have worked with numerous partners who show a full count by lifting either ome closed fist or two closed fists. I don't do that because I believe that no fingers is no count and I was taught by some of the best NFHS clinicians in NC to raise the fingers. I was just curious about what other umpires on this board chose to do.

I consider myself a decent umpire. I am not perfect and I have a lot of room to learn and to grow. I study my rulebooks, casebooks, and manuals. I keep my uniforms clean and pressed. I seek evaluations from more experienced partners. I read this board to keep myself as sharp as I can. I attend games which I am not working to see other umpires and their mechanics and try very hard not to be critical of them. I do my very best for the teams on the field every time I take the field. I ask questions on this board to learn to be a better umpire. I am really not a moron or a retard. I am not a troll and I am not trying to stir the board up with posts that intentionally demonstrate a lack of knowledge or bad mechanics. I am just an umpire like you. I want to be a better umpire like you. I am only a third year umpire. I had to take 2 years off because of work issues but have come back so I am still rusty from the layoff. So, please don't treat me like a stupidhead everytime I post something.

Several weeks ago I posted something about an umpire not tucking his jacket in. The day before that, I had a partner who insisted that I tuck my jacket it. It was the first time I had ever done that. But, he was older and much more experienced than me so I thought I might have been missing something. The next day watching a game, I saw another umpire with his jacket out and it being way oversized (hanging almost to his knees). It looked sloppy so I really did wonder. My jacket only hangs to my waist even with my CP under it and I'll never tuck it in again. But, I wanted to see what you thought about it, not to demonstrate my obvious ignorance, but to see what was right. Maybe it appeard to be the post of a simpleton but it was a sincere effort to get valuable input. Your replies helped me and I am thankful for that. But, some of the replies could have been kinder and I would have probably learned more.

I realize that got into this later in my life than most of you and that I'll never be any kind of supervisor, UIC, booking agent or clinician. I'll never do a national (even though I did a conference playoff game two years ago and a city championship final two years ago, befoer my layoff). I am very proud of people like Wade, Steve, Mike and the other umpires who post on this board who have worked hard for years to be where they are. I take what you have to say seriously and always try to learn from it. I really want to be a good umpire and I am asking for your help. If any of us are overcome with a fault, isn't it better if the good umpires restore him or her with gentleness to maintain good fellowship in this forum?

Maybe You could give me a little advice on how to see low pitches better.
I like your style... keep up the hard work. then later you can work smart.
BTW: try to keep a sense of humor. it ain't easy but its doable. (kinda like my grammar )
Will Rogers must not have ever officiated in Louisiana.
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