Thread: HS vs. College
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Old Tue Apr 28, 2009, 12:53pm
Posts: n/a
HS vs. College

Is it me or does it seems like at the HS level, officials tend to get too caught up PCAs vs. Ball watching. There is a difference, isn’t there??

When working with college officials, I find that their mindset is, to referee their PCA to the best of their ability while seeing as much of the court as possible. Their focus is more on seeing secondary defenders, expanding their PCA when there’s no competitive match-up. Quick whistles on RSBQ plays vs. a patient whistle on plays to the bucket & allowing the player to finish. Knowing that more contact is sure to occur the closer a player gets to the basket, but learning how to sort out whats marginal vs. a foul. They also, might ask why you didn’t have a double whistle when they made a call in the grey area.

Some HS officials, that I know (especially those who don’t attend camps) think it’s ball watching when you double down with them. They want to have the only whistle on the play. I’ve noticed when a partner doesn’t open up to accept the play at L & the contact isn’t marginal, if you wait a sec or two before coming with a whistle, they will get upset & say they were passing on it. But the entire gym including grandma up in the bleachers saw it.

Most of the time you can forget about being like-minded on RSBQ, possession consequence, knowing the impact of your whistle, etc.

Has anybody else noticed some of these differences in the officials mindset from HS to college? Or is it just the particular individuals & not their level of experience?

How do you handle incorporating the things your college buddies teach you with your HS partners without ruffling feathers?
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