Originally Posted by ASA/NYSSOBLUE
To quote somebody: what an ucking fidiot...
Bad enough we have a couple around here who don't wear cups behind the plate! One guy throws his ball bag on, grabs his mask, and is 'ready to go'....no leg guards...no CP......no cup...it almost hurts just THINKING about it!
There was a bb guy around here, who took one in the chest with a cheap CP on, and a couple of innings later bought it on the field.
Oh yeah - I've walked up to a field....then going....'wait a second...I'm missing something here!'
I was working a tournament with a guy I'd done many games with that season and prior. We did the coin flip [pool play], ground rules, etc., and were ready to start play. I head out to "A", he calls "play ball!", and I call "Time out!". I then asked him if he'd like to put on his mask which was hanging on the fence.
Being forgetful is one thing. Being stupid is a whole 'nuther level.