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Old Tue Apr 28, 2009, 02:28am
bniu bniu is offline
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Originally Posted by Mountaineer View Post
As far as Eddings' call, I think he blew it. In every sport I believe you cannot call what you cannot see and there is no way Eddings saw that pitch hit the ground. Even a 3rd string catcher in the ML's knows to tag the runner if it's close - he obviously ditn't think it was close.

In WV, we use the hammer for all levels of play and in '04 I did the LL Southern Regionals and we were instructed that while either was acceptable, the hammer was preferred. I believe it's better because your head stays forward where the play is occuring. Turning to point takes your vision away from the play - like a D3K.

I'd be interested in seeing where Eddings eyes were facing when he made that "swinging strike" call.
except for the fact that on a swinging strike, how often does the PU turn immediately to do it? He usually will get up, step back, wait a 2-3 seconds and then casually point to the side, often without even turning to the side. It's only on the called strikes where they'll turn to point, though some umpires will use the hammer for called strikes and thus, they'll never actually turn away from the action...
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