Here's the evaluation process we use in our local kids rec league. Each official starts out with 100 points. Points are then deducted for the following:
Not being prepared to start the game on time / minus 5 points
Not dressed properly / minus 5 points
Poor mechanics / minus 10 points
Poor communication with partner / minus 10 points
Bad haircut / minus 10 points
Forgetting to ask coaches to purchase foul insurance / minus 20 points
Taking crap from players / minus 20 points
Taking crap from coaches / minus 100 points
Taking crap from parents / minus 200 points
Forgetting to bow down before me after the game / minus 250 points
They receive an additional 50 points for each technical they assess.
Yom HaShoah
Last edited by Mark Padgett; Fri Apr 24, 2009 at 12:36pm.