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Old Wed Apr 22, 2009, 12:23pm
KWH KWH is offline
Small Business Owner
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Portland Oregon USA
Posts: 520
Cool Never let the rule book get in the way of a good football game!

I have two "resonable polite" questions for you:
1) I am wondering if you as of yet have "empowered yourself" with the opportunity to discuss this play your State Rules Interpreter and thus garner your states official interpretation to determine if it refutes or supports your assesment in regards to what you have claimed an "obscure interpretation" which defies common sense, logic, reason, good judgment and understanding of fair play, even though the interpretation was made by Rogers Redding - Chair of the NCAA Rules Committee?

2) In the extremely remote chance your state SRI should support Rogers Interpretation, will you retain your belief you are "empowered to make rulings as your believe they are intended to be made" even when they directly conflict with your SRI albiet all in the name of Truth, Justice, and the American Way?

Please be advised even with my limited comprehension my primary contention remains to garner a general conclusion absent of any smugness.

Please advise...

Knowledge is good! - Emil Faber

Last edited by KWH; Wed Apr 22, 2009 at 01:10pm. Reason: Because I believe I am empowered to do so!