Originally Posted by markcolopy
What percentage of associations use evaluators? Do they improve the majority of officials work? Do they help officials with more than 10 years experience? Do they help provide fairness in scheduling? What is the #1 pro and #1 con in using them?
Our association does not use evaluators in a way I think they should, instead we are evaluated in two ways. First, individual assignors ask their veteran officials to observe and evaluate. We never know when we will be evaluated or by whom. With that said...
Pro-it forces you to be on your toes in each and every game.
Cons-Some assignors never get around to actually seeing you in person (I have worked for one guy for 7 years, I've met him once) and as a result, they cannot formulate their own opinions. Not to mention there are some inherent biases involved.
We are also evaluated on a game by game basis by the coaches for state tournament assignments.
Pro-if you do well, you get rewarded.
Con-officials with "working relationships" with some coaches get the benefit of the doubt and at times are paired up with coaches who recommend them for state tournament games. I am told this is unavoidable. I don't buy it.