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Old Fri Apr 17, 2009, 09:52am
PeteBooth PeteBooth is offline
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Originally Posted by UMP25 View Post
I'm relaxing watching the Padres @ Mets game Wednesday night when the following happened:

Mets with a runner on base and Brian Schneider up to bat. With a 3-0 count and trying to bunt R1 over, Schneider takes a high and away pitch for ball four. As he drops the bat to go to first, Padres skipper heads to the mound to talk to his pitcher. Plate ump Paul Emmel breaks it up and we're ready to go with Castillo now up. He takes two balls, and with the count now 2-0, Padres skipper heads to the mound. Again. He gets to the foul line when Emmel puts up his hand as if to say, "Whoa! No can do."

There's a delay of a few seconds, Emmel looks at Crew Chief Gary Darling, who then waves the Padres manager to the mound and lets him continue. Padres skip briefly talks to his pitcher, then takes the ball from him as he brings in a new hurler.
They might as well re-write the rule book.

We have had the following:

A run put back on the Board some 3 innings later in the Indians O's game 2-3 yrs ago

Mets/ Braves - Botched Catch / No catch with bases juiced.
Ruling: the ball was retroactively declared dead at the time of the incorrect call - everyone up one base even though a runner passed another and all kinds of action going on.

Now this

Summary: Do not feel bad when us amateurs kick one - It happens

Pete Booth
Peter M. Booth
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