Originally Posted by JPaco54
In tournament SB games last weekend, competitive teams, Base runners were clapping their hands to distract the pitcher. Clapping started as she took her signals then stopped as she started her windup. I was not umpiring at the time but heard another fan yell out that the clapping was unsportsmanlike. After a few minutes the PU went to the HC and soonafter the clapping stopped. I have seen this in boys competitive games as well and have interpreted this as unsportsmanlike and requested the HC to instruct his players to stop. He argued for a minute that this is "competitive ball", we have always done this. He obliged. Thoughts?
"Coach, in my judgment, the clapping is distracting the pitcher. The fact that it's happening only while he's pitching tells me that it's intentional. Have it stop immediately."
If he continues to argue...
"Coach, either the clapping goes, or you'll go."