Originally Posted by ChuckElias
And it's been a while (about 15 years) since the Sox have gotten off to this bad of a start. Wake no-hits the A's for 7 innings and goes for the complete game yesterday. Nice way to finish up a horrendous road trip. The offense has been terrible, and Dice-K is already on the DL. When your arm is "fatigued" before Tax Day (let's hear it for the WBC!!), you're not going to have a good season.
And a 6-game suspension for Beckett? That's ludicrous. If the benches hadn't cleared, he wouldn't have gotten anything at all. The suspension is b/c of the Angels' reaction, nothing more; and that's stupid. It wasn't even all that close to the batter, who was already backing out of the box.
Yeah, but...the plate umpire had called time, and Beckett threw anyway. And threw awfully close to the batter's head - especially considering that the batter was already backing up. Looked pretty bad from where I was sitting - keeping in mind that I really don't like Boston that much, of course.