Originally Posted by rockyroad
It's been a while since the M's had a winning record after the first couple weeks of the season. They are actually fun to watch again!
And it's been a while (about 15 years) since the Sox have gotten off to this bad of a start. Wake no-hits the A's for 7 innings and goes for the complete game yesterday. Nice way to finish up a horrendous road trip. The offense has been terrible, and Dice-K is already on the DL. When your arm is "fatigued" before Tax Day (let's hear it for the WBC!!), you're not going to have a good season.
And a 6-game suspension for Beckett? That's ludicrous. If the benches hadn't cleared, he wouldn't have gotten anything at all. The suspension is b/c of the Angels' reaction, nothing more; and that's stupid. It wasn't even all that close to the batter, who was already backing out of the box.