Originally Posted by GaryBarrentine
It is not a violation of ASA rules for a fielder to stand in the base line. Exception: If it hinders a runner.
You're correct, up to the point of the exception. If they are in the act of fielding a batted ball, or if they are in possession of the ball, then they're fine. This is where we start to get into the whole debate of "was that obstruction or not?"
Originally Posted by GaryBarrentine
It is not a violation of ASA rules to yell "hey batter, batter, swing batter".
Again, it depends. You will always find the girls chanting different things throughout the game. If it's routine, non-offensive stuff, just let it be. If it's obviously posing a problem, then tell the coach to get the girls to cool it a while. I personally get annoyed when the catcher does this, and if I can see the batters getting pissed, I'll put a stop to it.
By rule, OBS does not have to be physical. It can be verbal. However, just because a player says something to a runner does not mean you should call OBS. Be very judicial when calling verbal OBS on the defense.
Look, chatter is chatter. It's up to you to decide A) is it unsportsmanlike and B) is it worth picking the nit?
Then again, I haven't called girls' games in 12 years, so...