Originally Posted by SAump
Stop trying so hard to make a wrong a right.
I am not trying to do that, I am trying to really get into the rules. I am trying to look at a different angle, and really see how it works.
Originally Posted by mrm21711
Although I think you are a troll, it appears that the members agree with me and not with you.
I am disappointed with your lack of professionalism. I cannot believe that this is how you would speak (which is essentially what we are doing here) to someone after only knowing them a max of 3 days and talking with them twice. I hope that if you are ever on the field with a rookie you treat them with .01% more respect then you have extended to me, and give them the benefit of the doubt when they ask you for guidance.
But really looking at what you have said in this thread, you have not stated an answer, put forth a question or asked an opinion. All you have done is hurled insults at someone who is trying to better themselves. Sounds similar to another group of people in this world that I know.