Originally Posted by FTVMartin
I've always been told the OBR interp for imminent play was the ball within a step and a reach of the player. Anyone have any source for that?
"If a fielder is about to receive a thrown ball and if the ball is in flight directly toward and near enough to the fielder so he must occupy his position to receive the ball, he may be considered "in the act of fielding the ball". It is entirely up to the judgement of the umpire as to whether the fielder is in the act of fielding the a ball." This is pretty consistent, MLBUM, PBUC and JEA. From Carl's BRD we have this from a Fitzpatrick ruling in 01, "The definition of "act of fielding the ball" is purely umpire judgement , but the minor league guideline is the distance from the skin of the cutout at home to the plate, or about 13 feet on a properly designed field."
What is consistent is that your judgement rules.