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Old Wed Apr 15, 2009, 11:31am
jdmara jdmara is offline
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Originally Posted by Mark Padgett View Post
We had our season ending annual meeting of our local kids rec league Board last night. One of the things we do is discuss situations that came up during the season. In one game (I think 6th grade boys) both the coach and the AC were ejected (no, it wasn't my game, darn it). Our rule is that the game can continue if one of the parents comes down and sits on the bench for the rest of the game. We don't want to take playing time away from the kids just because the adults act like jerks. This has happened about once every 4 or 5 years, so it's not too common.

One of the guys at the meeting asked what the NF rule would be if both the head coach and the AC were ejected. Could the trainer or someone else take over? What's the rule?

BTW - we voted to take coaching privileges away from two guys because of problems we had with them this past season. Believe me, the problems with these guys were pretty serious for us to do something like that regarding volunteer parents.
In Iowa, if the HC and AC are ejected from the contest, the contest is terminated unless the school can provide another adult that has their coaching certification. I don't know whether that's a FED rule or just Iowa but the responsible party must have their coaching certification. I've had this situation occur many years ago in baseball and someone in the stands had his certification and we continued with the game. At that time I was told that if they say they have their certification, you allow it. (It's not a requirement to see the actual certificate) However, the official should obtain their name and phone number so when the report is written, you can pass all liability onto them (God forbid something happens). If they turn out to not be certified, it's on the school.

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