Originally Posted by SRW
I absolutely hate this coming from umpires, base or plate. It's not your job to "hustle" the little girls along. All we can do is hustle ourselves, and be prepared when the timing mechanisms built into the rules need applied. Yelling at them to "here we go" only shows everyone else on the field that you have somewhere else to be. You're paid per game, not per minute.
What you said first - talking with your PU - is the best resolution here.
Yes, the best course of action would be to start enforcing those timing mechanisms built into the rules and the penalties when they are not met.
NFHS 3-6 ART.6...Only the batter, runner(s), on deck batter, coaches in the coach's box, bat/ball shaggers or one of the nine players on defense are permitted to be outside the designated dugout/bench or designated warm-up areas.
Note: Bench personnel are permitted to engage in throwing and running activities during the one minute designated for the pitcher to throw her five warm-up pitches at the beginning of each half inning.
NFHS 6-2 ART. 5...No more than one minute to deliver not more than five warm up pitches.
NFHS 6-2 Art. 3...Once the ball has been returned to the pitcher to prepare for the next pitch, she has 20 seconds to release the pitch.
NFHS 7-3 ART. 1...A batter shall not delay the game by failing to take her position in the batter's box within 10 seconds after the ball is returned to the pitcher to prepare for the next pitch, or by stepping out of the box when the pitcher is on the pitching plate.