Originally Posted by youngump
K, last one from this game, I promise.
So the game all these threads come, was a very very slow game. Lots of dawdling between half innings. Warm up pitches were definitely not being completed in a minute. I mentioned in the other thread waiting for the catcher before the top of the 1st.
If I were calling the plate in this game, I'd have been working with the catchers to keep things moving, lowering the number of warmups if it takes two and a half minutes to get out to the mound having the batter ready to stand in the second the last pitch leaves the catchers hand, etc.
But I've never really learned what to do as BU to speed things up. Thoughts?
Well...my first thought is, of course, if there was a mound in this game, why are you posting this question on a softball board???
There is no reason you can't remind the PU, without any attitude of course, that there is a one minute/five pitch rule. It is a rule, just like any other in the book, and needs to be enforced.