Thread: oob or ib ?
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Old Mon Nov 11, 2002, 07:05pm
SDUMP SDUMP is offline
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As a basketball and volleyball official, I personally don't see the difference in a replay in volleyball on a play that couldn't be seen clearly and a ball that goes out of bounds in basketball and the officials can't agree with which team touched it last. Volleyball - Replay. Basketball - Alternating Possession.
I think the big key is getting the call right. If you can't get the call right (in or out) then a replay needs to be called. The same goes for basketball. You have to put your ego in your back pocket, because at times there will be two players diving for a ball, both touching it so close to being at the same time - that you can't tell, where you are going to come up with a jump ball - AP arrow.
As far as changing a rule - in SD we are one of the states that have the experimental rally scoring. How could you justify giving the point to one team when you don't know if it is the right call.
The worst part is that this happened in a junior high game. I've seen it happen in a high school game, so it isn't just at the younger level.
You have to remember that the rules of the game (and our jobs as officials) are to have a "fair" playing field. How would it be fair for a team to lose a serve if the official couldn't tell if the ball was out-of-bounds?
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