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Old Tue Apr 07, 2009, 06:47pm
ozzy6900 ozzy6900 is offline
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From your description, it sounds like R1 was going to be out anyway (another tempting way to call it). Either way you call it, someone is going to be screwed. R1 should be out and putting him back at 1st could cost a run.

So let your partner get defecated upon and stay within an earshot to monitor the situation. There were times I knew the coach and after a minute, I just said "What do you think, Joe, shall we get on with the game now?". Then I usually turn to my partner and tell him to "shake it off, we've still got a lot of game left." making sure that the coach hears this. This let's the coach know that I still have my partner's back. I also will not allow a "shark attack" on every call that my partner makes after that.
When in doubt, bang 'em out!
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