Time! That's a balk!
I'm on the plate for a FED game a couple of years ago. R1, no outs.
Batter is in the box and F1, pitching from the stretch, brings his hands together and comes set. He then steps and throws to first base as R1 is breaking for second.
My partner immediately calls "Time! That's a balk!"
By this time F3 was already throwing to second base to make a play on R1. All play stops. The runner stops running. F6 catches and just holds the ball. Everyone is looking to the BU and waiting for him to say something.
Now the fun begins. The BU decides that there was no balk on the play and decides he's going to send R1 back to first base.
Of course, sh*t storm follows.
What would you do?
I got a fever! And the only prescription.. is more cowbell!