Originally Posted by SAWolf
Ok, how bad have you been hit? (both behind the plate and on base)
This was when I was working 2 man team I was in position C about the 8th inning.
Before this happened the pitch had tried to pick-off R3 and I was worried that I'd missed a balk and was probably concentrating a little too much on the pitcher. The batter then smashed this pitch about 2 ft off the ground straight at me. Ouch! I finished the game and iced the leg it took about 3 weeks to clear.
One of the older more experienced guys said that a good umpire doesn't get hit cause he can read the play and not get in the way. Looks like I got a way to go.
IMO, the Metal bat has ruined the game both for the particpants and for umpires.
I am in a much 'deeper' position when the participants use metal as opposed to wood. If that means I lose angle on the pick-off attempts at first base then so be it.
Self preservation comes first. I do not care if you are in tip top shape or out of shape. if a power hitter gets a hold of one you simply have ZERO time to react. All you can do is try getting hit in an area that will not be fatal.
Also, as far as the 'B" / 'C" positions go it depends upon the pitching meaning if F1 is "losing it" I go opposite the power alley of the hitter so if he does get a hold of one I am on the opposite side.
Hopefully, wood will come back sooner rather than later.
Also, FWIW I cannot understand why they allow College kids to use metal. can you imagine Big Poppy or Albert Pujols using a metal bat?
Pete Booth