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Old Mon Nov 11, 2002, 07:34am
Z REF Z REF is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Tulsa, OK
Posts: 15
Mr. Rookie,

Welcome to basketball and good luck. It's unfortunate that there exists such a disparate cornucopia of opinion. Let me attempt to clarify the issue for you while trying to keep my ego in tact.

While it's certainly true that you need to stay in your primary and concentrate on the business in front of you, it is likewise true that a PC/block call at one end needs to be the same at the other end. Hopefully you and your crew has pre-gamed the type of consistency you will have that night. This helps tremendously.

If your partner kicks a call, should you then kick one b/c of that...of course not. There are certain critical calls that have to be consistent for the game to run smoothly...b/c, illegal picks, hand checks, etc.). Talk about those situations in your pre-game and try to apply that to your game. Establish the critical calls early so you don't have to "make it up" in the last two minutes.

If your partner doesn't want to officiate the ball game, then I would agree you still have to take care of business in your primary. But don't confuse a no blood no foul with advantage/disadvantage and a patient whistle. It will be tough for a while, but it gets better!
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