Thread: New Official
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Old Mon Nov 11, 2002, 06:34am
Redneck Ref Redneck Ref is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 88
My point was first year officials don't usually start out at the JV level. In our association our first year guys start out doing middle school and AAU and work their way up. We have over 75 refs in our association and if a new guy started out at that level would piss off some guys who have been doing this for a few years. It's called ratings. Our association covers over 20 high schools with 5 schools playing at the top level. Our JV games precede the varsity game and most of the time the varsity coach is on the bench. It would be a little tough doing your first game for anyone under these conditions. Not saying that maybe later on during the season you could get scheduled for a JV game. I guess it also would depend on your location, number of schools, number of refs in your associations, etc...

You have set some good goals and go for it, but take your time and learn. Watch the varsity games, ask questions, study the rule and case books. Another good hint...look good! A good clean uniform, polished shoes, clean shaved will make you look professional. First impressions go a long way.
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