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Old Sat Apr 04, 2009, 11:06am
Ump29 Ump29 is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Nova Scotia
Posts: 116
In umpiring 20 plus years I have been hit many times. When I first started, I was hit at just about every plate game (rarely on bases).
Two instances of note:
Plate game many years ago. Took foul ball to left forearm - just about where my watch would have been. Arm swelled up to almost size of baseball. One coach who came to my aid stated "Thats broken !" Needless to say I took myself out of game and my partner took over solo. I took off some of my gear and then walked across the street to the emergency dept of our local hospital.They wanted to get x rays but I refused and showed them how I could still move my wrist. They almost took a fit when I did this. Ended up checking it out and getting an ice pack. I returned to the field (tournament in progress) and worked bases with ice pack on sidelines for use between innings !
Second. Another tournament working third on a 3 man. Man on third. I am on line. Batter hits a screamer about foot and a half off turf. Some how the ball made it past the leading off runner, third baseman, and third base coach - but not me. I was able to move a half step further into foul territory - wrong move. The screamer curved and caught me in the shin - ouch ! However I was able to stay in and also work the next game - plate !!
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