Fri Apr 03, 2009, 01:25pm
Originally Posted by OHBBREF
this was one of the items on the rules change survey for officials this year there were a bunch of choices including:
Back court count various scenarios
moving 3 point line back a foot
going to 10 min quarters
droping 1 &1 and moving directly to 2 shots on the 7th foul
No comment...there was enough of a discussion on this board about this
Didn't really seem to change the men's game much this year, it'd make a bigger difference if they moved it back again. The women's game could really see a change if it were moved back, at least from what I've seen this year personally.
Just a freaking excuse to take a timeout after 10 minutes. The TV folks would love this!
Hmmm, this could be a problem with the coaches, because it take strategy away from them. But easier on us zebras, then we wouldn't have to make sure the freaking table is caught up on it!