Bob Erickson, the former coach at Doane College (Nebraska-NAIA), did this once and got T'd up. It was captured on video, and the official who T'd him up was never seen with the crew the rest of the season.
At the time, Erickson was grumbling about the boys playing lousy, but the official misinterpreted Erickson's comments as being directed towards him, and when the coat got tossed to an assistant, we heard a tweet. After the official reported the T, one of the others went over to Erickson, who now was so puzzled at what was happening that he was about to go ballastic and this other official went over to lend an empathetic ear and hope to avoid a blow-up. The blow-up didn't happen, but it was obvious Erickson was voicing his displeasure to the empathetic official, who just nodded his head and listened.
At halftime, I had the job of getting the officials their drinks and snacks, and when I walked in, I could hear them discussing the T with vigor, with the empathetic official telling the calling official he just burned himself with the "dean" of college coaches in Nebraska at the time, and may have committed career suicide. Wow.
Last edited by Ref Ump Welsch; Fri Apr 03, 2009 at 12:58pm.