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Old Fri Apr 03, 2009, 10:04am
archangel archangel is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 336

A partner who I schedule most of my games with, is running late to our dbl hdr, expects to arrive about 15 min prior. We have a routine that he is always PU for the 1st game, under his assumption that its the better game/pitchers(not always so, but I dont care, he's a friend).

This time, since he's running late, he calls and wants to switch- no problem. Between games we walk to our cars to change, then start the 2nd game. 2nd inning, catcher misses a low fastball, hits PU directly on front of his shoe, he falls backward on his back in pain, holding his foot up with his hands. Coaches come out, players all around, but he finally stands up- tells me quietly that he forgot to change into plate shoes(ouch), thinks he broke his big and another toe.

I ask if he wants to go and change now, he says too late-they've swollen up, parking lot kinda far away---play ball. 4th inning, same thing happens-same foot, on his back ect, except this time there's tears in his eyes....I told him I'll put on my gear but he says no, and goes to change shoes, limping away and back.
2 broken toes, limped all season, lost the nails.......lesson?
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