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Old Sun Nov 10, 2002, 09:44pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally posted by bigwhistle

Ever hear of consistency amongst the crew during a game? The lack of consistency is a bigger problem to coaches than whether or not the game is called loose or tight. They, and the players, have the right to expect the same kind of game to be called by the entire crew. While some of our "esteemed bretheren" here will disagree with this, the crew must be willing to make compromises in order to let the game be played on a level scale.

Consistency? I am suppose to make up calls for the effort of consistnecy? So if my partner makes a handcheck call and another player does not make a handcheck, I am suppose to call something in the effort of consistency. I have heard of some strange things, but this almost takes the cake. If you or any official is making calls that are totally wrong, it is not my job to match them. If I can tell why every call is being made what the heck am I doing? I have been doing 3 Person games for nearly 7 years. If I have learned anything is to trust your partner and to stay in your primary. If I am staying in my primary, I will not see all my partner's calls at all. Better yet, if I would have done what you suggest in my Men's college game yesterday aftenoon, I would have missed more than half the game. They move so fast and things are happening every split second, I could not affort to "match" my partner. I assume that the assignors think they are qualified to be there. I think I need to trust their call, just like I would expect them to do the same.

Originally posted by bigwhistle

Some nights you may be the official out of synch that needs to adjust...some nights it may be a partner. This needs to be addressed and corrected...hopefully before half time. If not, then you think you are bigger than the game. If that is the case, maybe you should look for some other way to spend your "avocation" time, since the game will be here long after you, me, or anyone else has gone to greener pastures.
I have worked for a lot of different assignors. I have have been to many different camps. I have worked with guys that are at the D1 level all the way down to the State Finals level, and I have never had any of those officials suggest doing any such thing. So I will conclude from that and that alone that no one in their right mind would suggest doing such a thing. If officials that are much more successful than I am are not suggesting doing something like this, than I can assume that they reached those levels not doing anything like this in the name of the almighty "consistency."

Funny how someone can tell me what works. But I guess that is why you are the bigwhistle.


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Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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