I accept the premise of crew consistency. We try to do that in football as well. My question for that would be, as a green, rookie official, how do I tell an experienced partner that they need to call a tighter game. I don't want to get the reputation as a "know it all", but I also want the game to be safe and under control.
The other option is to call what I believe is my game and risk the perceptions that go along with calling a disproportionate number of fouls.
I am just trying to get a feel for the best, most professional way to handle a situation that I know will come up again. It was very uncomfortable to be caught off guard, I would like to try to mitigate that feeling by knowing how to approach it. Above all, I want to do a good job.
Strange women, lying in ponds, distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. If I went around claiming I was an emperor just because some moistened bink lobbed a scimitar at me, they would put me away.
-Monty Python-