Originally Posted by Andy
I've always been taught that holding up the hand to the pitcher should be used judiciously.
It you are doing it between every pitch, it soon becomes part of the background and has a better chance to be ignored.
Most pitchers will wait until the batter is set to begin their delivery. While this is not always true, the umpire can gauge this as the game goes on and stop the pitcher when necessary.
The only time it goes up a lot is when you have an Energizer Bunny-type of pitcher that just keeps going UNTIL you stop them.
This is also very dependent on the level of ball you are calling as well. As you move to higher levels, you should almost never have to stop a pitcher to allow a batter to get set.
In FP, yes. In SP, not necessarily especially if you have a team that plays multiple sanctions and will do whatever they can to catch a batter or throw off their timing. Never understood it, as it is a slow pitched softball and should make no difference, but that isn't the way it works.