Originally Posted by Fozzie
Whoa! We are talking about a game management tool here. In a situation that was not even mine. I said if, and only if this would end it, then fine. I got no problem with the way it was handled.
And as far as throwing my partner under the bus? I just don't see that here. If I trust my partner why should I have a problem going to him on anything other then judgement. After all he is my only friend. And assuming he has my back on this situation, as he should. I really don't think I have helped the coach with anything. If anything we just told him 'no you are wrong' twice without every raising my voice.
I guess I don't see a reason to get riled up here. But this seems to happen anytime anyone talks about going to their partner on this forum.
I don't see a reason to get riled up, either. It's not a question about "should I ever go to my partner?" It's a question of "should I go to my partner just because I've been asked to?"
If you go to your partner every time you're asked, I don't think you're throwing your partner under the bus. You're throwing yourself under the bus.