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  #42 (permalink)  
Old Tue Mar 31, 2009, 02:53pm
Ref Ump Welsch
Posts: n/a
It's hard to achieve equality in numbers no matter what profession or sport or whatever you're in. I teach in a field that is predominately female, and for some time, I was the only male faculty, and sometimes the only male in the program at the college. I look to other programs, and you'll see faculty usually reflect the predominance of the field.

What you might be looking at when it comes to the officials might actually be the reflection of what we have in the officiating business. Just because the athletes are predominately one color does not mean we need to have the same number or percentage of officials that color. We can try, but it may never happen. If it does, we've achieved utopia.

And this coming from a guy who was the token white guy on 3-whistle crew at least twice this past season in predominately white towns.