Thread: ASA Hats/Shirts
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Tue Mar 31, 2009, 12:34pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
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Originally Posted by Skahtboi View Post
I don't think so. My wife hasn't changed detergent since I don't know when (we have been together 18 years), and as I stated above the newer ones haven't had the buttons fade like the older ones did. And the older ones did it in the first year!
When everyone was complaining about the "pink" buttons, I had no problems with mine. Always washed my uniforms together, shirt, pants, hat. I litterally undressed in front of the washer and everything, but the shoes went into the washer. Used a mild detergent and always machine dried. No problem with the buttons.

Then I lent a couple to an umpire who worked a National in either Killeen or McAllen. When he returned the shirts, they were clean, but the buttons were now pink. His wife, who was my friend before I ever met him, apparently uses a detergent with a bleach-like additive.

While your doubts may be actual, I have no reason to believe it is anything, but the detergent.
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