Originally Posted by Linknblue
ASA - Runner on 1st. Batter hits to the fence and when rounding 1st is obstructed by 1st baseman. Ball is coming back to infield for a play at the plate on runner that was on 1st. Not in time. Batter/Runner rounds 3b and stops seeing ball is back to infield. Base ump called obstruction and wants to score obstructed runner. Coach argues that the obstructed runner achieved two bases after being obstructed and shouldn't be awarded home....and that there was another play that happened (play at plate albeit a late play). End result, runner was put back on 3b. Correct? Logic correct? Whaaaaa?
Is the part highlighted in red the second act of OBS on this runner? Or are you talking in reference to the OBS that happened at first.
As has been already stated, the only thing that matters here is the base the umpire felt the OBS runner would have made had the OBS not occurred. Not the coach's logic, nor his ability, apparently, to sell it to the umpiring crew. The
only issue at hand is the base the umpire felt the runner would have achieved had the OBS not occurred.