The weird thing is that I have some ASA shirts I put in the dryer that now have pink buttons, and others I put in the dryer that do not! Wasn't it determined that some shirts a few years ago just happened to have a bad batch of buttons and those turned pink no matter what you did. If I recall, the problem was corrected and there shouldn't be a problem with shirts sold since then.
Buying umpire gear over the internet without the benefit of trying it on always seems to be a dicey proposition, no matter who makes or sells the stuff. This certainly isn't just an ASA problem. I've run into problems with other brands and other retailers.
ASA shirts seem to fit me about the same as any Cliff Keen shirt I've ever worn- not really too tight, but a little on the snug side when compared to some other brands. They're not what I would call a "generous" fit.
Hats are a crap shoot. I have quite a few Richardson hats I like that are the same size, so I felt confident ordering the same size again over the internet. The last one I got was so loose that it would literally start to fall off my head if I bent over forward!
Every single pair of umpire pants I've tried on has felt too tight to me if I try the same size I wear in jeans or dress slacks- Fecheimer pants so much that they cannot even be buttoned. I always have to go a size up to get a comfortable fit.
Luckily, there is an umpire supply store in my city and I can try some things on before buying. Also, our local ASA UIC carries a good selection of merchandise and brings her stock to most meetings and tournaments.
While the internet can offer a great variety and convenience, it's not so convenient when you wind up having to ship the stuff back when it doesn't fit! There is, unfortunately, a little trial and error involved in finding gear that works for you. Even then, once you find something that works, some products have so much variation in sizes that you never know what you'll get until you receive it and try it on.
Some of you may have seen this on the baseball forum. If not, it might be an interesting read:
Umpire Shirt Comparison